Puppy Vaccination Schedule: A Guide to Your Puppy’s First Year

Puppies are adorable furballs who bring us great joy, laughter, and companionship. However, puppies also come with responsibilities, such as vaccination needs. Vaccinations are crucial to protect puppies from various diseases that could be life-threatening. While vaccines are not the most exciting puppy care topic, they are necessary for keeping your pup safe and healthy. [...]

Pet Dental Health 101

As a loving pet owner, you focus on your furry friend's overall well-being, from providing nutritious meals to regular exercise. However, dental care is a pet health aspect that is often overlooked. Just like people, pets require proper oral hygiene to maintain good health and prevent dental issues. Our Pets & Friends Animal Hospital team [...]

Weighing Coverage: Pet Insurance Pros and Cons

Everything in your home is covered by an insurance policy, from your vehicle to yourself. But what about your pet? If your four-legged friend does not have their own health insurance policy, they’re not alone. An overwhelming majority of American pets are not covered by insurance, despite rising veterinary care costs.  If you’ve been on [...]

Summer Savvy: Fun Ideas for Keeping Your Pet Safe from the Heat

While most pet owners know the basics of heat safety for their pets, some clever ideas can make a big difference in keeping your pet cool, happy, and healthy during the hottest months of the year. Our Pets & Friends Animal Hospital team shares refreshing tips to help you and your furry friend safely enjoy [...]

Keeping Pets Safe on July Fourth

On Independence Day, many people gather for backyard parties to celebrate our nation's freedom with family and friends. Fireworks are a popular way to mark the occasion, but they can be distressing for pets who go missing on July Fourth more than on any other day of the year. Independence Day is also one of [...]

Eye-dentifying Common Pet Ocular Issues

Many conditions, such as injury, infection, immune-mediated disorders, conformation abnormalities, and complications from other health issues, that can affect your pet’s eyes can potentially jeopardize their vision. Our Pets & Friends Animal Hospital team explains what eye issues commonly affect pets. Corneal ulcers in pets A corneal ulcer is a defect or abrasion in the [...]

4 Invaluable Reasons Behind Your Pet’s Normal Wellness Screening Results

Do you think “normal” equates to average or ordinary? Sometimes “normal” is a good thing—particularly in the case of your pet’s health. While we know your furry pal is amazing and extraordinary, you want their test results to be normal. During your pet’s annual or biannual wellness screening, we want to look over their results, [...]

5 Factor Affecting Veterinary Professionals’ Mental Health

Stress, anxiety, and depression are issues that many people in the U.S. and around the world face on a daily basis, and the pandemic definitely didn’t make anyone’s life any easier. Veterinary professionals are especially impacted by mental health issues, and studies demonstrate that individuals who pursue a career in veterinary medicine are at higher [...]

Hear Meow-t: Listening to Your Cat’s Stress Signs

Wouldn’t it be great if your cat could talk? While they’d likely complain that their food bowl is less than full or that the dog is panting too loudly, they could also clue you into their mental health.  Picking up on your cat’s stress can be a challenge when you don’t have the ability to [...]

3 Tips for Grooming Your Pet Like a Professional

A spa day is essential to freshen your pet’s coat, trim and file their nails, and express and deodorize their anal glands. Although professionals often perform these grooming tasks, with practice, you can take care of your pet’s grooming needs while bonding with your four-legged friend. By following our Pets & Friends Animal Hospital team’s [...]

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